Sunday, March 1, 2015

WGI Indy Review & DCI Tour Dates.

Hey guys and gals!

Not too much happened this week in terms of events relevant to us Ohioan fans of DCI and WGI, but there's some cool stuff you outta know nevertheless. For instance, as you can see below I found pictures and a video montage from the regional color guard competition in Indy last week! Here's the link to a boatload of pictures taken at the competition:

Pride of Cincinnati Winter Guard 2015 Show: Look Up
Although I won't be taking much of an in depth look at them, its worth noting that there were regional competitions over the weekend in Las Vegas, Orlando, Pittsburgh, and New Brunswick. But given the fact that I am a big fan of them, I will say that Santa Clara Vanguard Color Guard performed in Las Vegas and scored an 86.500 and The Cadets Winter Guard performed in New Brunswick and scored a 67.200.

I would also like to inform all of our WGI percussion fans and readers that the percussion finals that were to be held in Dayton, OH yesterday (March 1st) were canceled due to bad weather conditions. 

Moving on from there, I lastly wanted to mention the Ohio tour dates for DCI shows this summer! I'm extremely excited and hope to follow my favorite corps all the way to finals and see them perform as often as possible. Luckily there are many shows in Ohio this year so you can all have the chance to check out your favorite corps as well! Here's the list of DCI shows coming to Ohio this summer:
  • Akron, OH: June 20 - (Blue Stars, Bluecoats, Boston Crusaders, Carolina Crown, The Cadets, The Cavaliers, Troopers)
  • Hamilton, OH: June 22 - (Blue Stars, Bluecoats, Boston Crusaders, Carolina Crown, Cincinnati Tradition, Madison Scouts, Spirit of Atlanta, Troopers)
  • Bowling Green, OH: June 28 - (Boston Crusaders, Carolina Crown, Crossmen, Legends, Spirit of Atlanta, The Cadets, The Cavaliers, Troopers)
  • Hamilton, OH: July 19 - (7th Regiment, Blue Devils B, Cincinnati Tradition, Coastal Surge, Legends, Les Stentors, Raiders, Spartans)
  • Dublin, OH: July 27 - (Blue Devils, Blue Stars, Bluecoats, Colts, Crossmen, Pioneer, Troopers)
  • Avon Lake, OH: July 31 - (Blue Devils B, Blue Saints, Genesis, Jubal, Legends, Music City, Racine Scouts, Spartans)
  • Massillon, OH: August 3 - Blue Knights, Bluecoats, Carolina Crown, Phantom Regiment, Santa Clara Vanguard, The Cadets, The Cavaliers)
  • Centerville, OH: August 3 - Boston Crusaders, Cincinnati Tradition, Colts, Crossmen, Madison Scouts, Mandarins, Pacific Crest, Troopers)
I'm sure you'll find me at the Akron show and/or Massillon show! Alright bloggers and DCI & WGI fans, until next week!

1 comment:

  1. I am amazed at the theatrics that go into this...and the amount of practice.
