Monday, March 9, 2015

Pride of Cincinnati History

Hey bloggers and DCI/WGI fans!
Before I dive into my main topic of discussion for this week, I first wanted to present you all with this very short video from Allegoria Winter Guard's performance they had at Milford High School over the weekend! Their 2015 show is called "Pennies From Heaven". Keep up the great work!
I also wanted to quickly mention that both of the color guards from the Blue Devils and Santa Clara Vanguard (two of my favorite drum corps) competed at a regional competition in Union City, CA on Saturday. During finals, the Blue Devils Color Guard competed in Independent Class A and scored a 77.410 while Santa Clara Vanguard competed in Independent World Class and scored a very impressive 91.500! Congratulations to both color guards!

Now moving onto my main topic for this week. For those of you who may not be too familiar with WGI, I thought I'd take time to share with you a shortened history of your local Winter Guard, Pride of Cincinnati!

By the year 1980, competitive pageantry arts had dwindled nearly to the point of non-existence within the Cincinnati area. But luckily hope was on the horizon thanks to Dr. Robert Kuske, an intern at UC Medical Center and former member of the Madison Scouts. He wanted to bring drum corps back to Cincinnati better than ever! He started by contacting members of past Cincinnati drum corps and distributed flyers at a drum corps competition held at UC to drum up interest in the area. With a new Board of Directors established for The Pride of Cincinnati, they started recruiting staff and members. The corps' first auditions were held at CCM and had a huge turn out, thus The Pride of Cincinnati Cincinnati Drum and Bugle Corps was born!

Their accomplishments were overshadowed by a tragedy in 1981 when 4 members and a band mom were killed in a horrific car accident while coming home from a competition. Slowly continuing past the tragedy, the corps only managed to compete in DCI for a total of 4 seasons. But in 1983, the drum corps' color guard experimented with the creation of their own competitive winter guard, and when the Board of Directors agreed to finance the operation, The Pride of Cincinnati Winter Guard was officially created! While their winter guard continued to grow and compete, Pride announced that the drum corps would not compete during the 1985 season. Later down the road, budget expenses caused the Pride Board to make the decision to no longer sponsor their own corps and this essentially decommissioned Pride's drum corps. 

With the drum corps no longer in operation, this granted the financial capability for their winter guard to grow and expand significantly. As of this year, The Pride of Cincinnati Winter Guard has competed at 26 WGI Championships and in 2001 they won their first ever WGI gold medal. They earned gold again in 2005, 2007, and 2013!
The Pride of Cincinnati 2013 Show: "Wait of the World"
Their show this year is titled, "Look Up" and is looking extremely promising, especially considering the scores they have been putting up so far! Pride has made a commitment to the future that they will "continue the evolution of our organization and make our future contributions to the world of the pageantry arts only those that should be remembered with Pride."
The Pride of Cincinnati 2015 Show: "Look Up"
If you wish to read the full history of The Pride of Cincinnati, here is the link:
Stay connected for next week's special post where I sit down and have a fantastic interview with a current member of Allegoria Winter Guard! I hope you're all as excited as I am!

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